Nuclear Safety and Emergency Support Research Project

To support strengthening defense of depth and resilience
To support strengthening defense of depth and resiliensce for nuclear power plants, we have been committed to research activities in plant safety assessment and nuclear accident prevention plans.

Nuclear Emergency Support
In addition to development of assessment technology related to generation and behavior of radioactive materials as well as radiation shieldings, we are involved in development of the technology that predicts the incident progress inside the plant through detailed simulations of the processes that lead to a severe accident.
Developed technology is already in use to estimate the radiation dose of employees inside the facilities during a severe nuclear accident and to predict the impact of radioactive materials from nuclear fuel on the surrounding area.
In addition, this work provides simulated data for nuclear emergency exercises through the analysis of the movement of radioactive materials and plant behavior based on a severe accident scenario.
Developed technology is already in use to estimate the radiation dose of employees inside the facilities during a severe nuclear accident and to predict the impact of radioactive materials from nuclear fuel on the surrounding area.
In addition, this work provides simulated data for nuclear emergency exercises through the analysis of the movement of radioactive materials and plant behavior based on a severe accident scenario.

The Nuclear Emergency Laboratory for developing the incident progress prediction system

Research on technology to predict employee radiation dose in a severe accident condition

The Nuclear Emergency Laboratory developing the incident progress prediction system
Plant Safety Assessment
We have been investigating the behavior of gas-liquid two-phase flow containing non-condensable gas in a steam generator heat transfer tube and the behavior of countercurrent gas-liquid in a PWR hot leg during an accident through heat transfer flow experiments. We are developing reliable evaluation technology using three-dimensional fluid analysis and best estimate plus uncertainty method; thereby we are committed to research activities for enhancing safety management, including to comfim safety margin.

3-dimensional simulation inside a reactor vessel