Institute of Social Research Articles
- Demands for Improvement in Working Surroundings for Older Workers in Nuclear Power Plants
- The Anatomy of the "Feeling of Security" Towards Nuclear Power Generation Plants ― A survey of the image of "security" (anshin) ―
- Comparison Between the Public Opinion and the Image of Public Opinion on Nuclear Power Generation ―From the Viewpoint of Risk Communication―
- Impact of the TEPCO Incident on the Public's Attitude to Nuclear Power Generation ― Periodic Survey No.3 ―
- Relationship between Images of Risk and Anxiety toward Radiation -Comparison of Radiation from Chest X-rays and Nuclear Power Plants-
- Evaluation using Contingent Valuation Method for the Effect of the Control on the Discharge of Carbon Dioxide by Photovoltaic Power Generation and Nuclear Power Generation
Institute of Nuclear Technology Articles
- Analysis of High Performance and Events & Incidents in Nuclear Power Plants in the United States of America
- Database Construction Using Hyperlink of Reliability Block Diagram and Operating Experiences of Emergency Diesel Generators for Nuclear Power Plants
- A Study on the Method for Estimating the Life Time of O-Rings Made of NBR Used in Sealing Air Operating Cylinders
- Evaluation of Deterioration of Insulators in High-Voltage Motors by Partial Discharge
- Investigation of Evaluation Method of Cavitation Behavior by an Accelerometer Mounted on Outer Surface of Piping
- Influence of Grain Boundary Sliding and Carbide Precipitation on IGSCC Susceptibility of SUS 316 under Hydrogenated High Temperature Water
- Influence of Temperature on Primary Water Stress Corrosion Cracking of Alloy 600 Weld Metals
- Influence of Thermal Aging on Primary Water Stress Corrosion Cracking of Cast Duplex Stainless Steel (Second Report) ― Consideration on Fractography after Slow Strain Rate Technique ―
- Analysis of IGSCC Crack Tip and Oxide Film on SUS 316 Generated under High Temperature Water
- Material Property Changes During Post-Irradiation Annealing and Their Effects on IASCC
- A Simulation on Growth of Multiple Small Cracks under Stress Corrosion
- Microstructural Evolution in A533B Steels under Electron Irradiation
- Influence of Crystal Structure on Ultrasonic Incident Angle and Defect Detection Sensitivity for Ultrasonic Inspection of Cast Stainless Steel
- Estimation of Charpy Notch Toughness for Thermal Aging Specimens of Cast Duplex Stainless Steel Using Thermalelectric Power Measurement
- Study on Effectiveness Evaluation of Severe Accident Management
- Improvement of Dose Evaluation Method for Employees at Severe Accident
- Analysis to Verify Effectiveness of Alternative Cooling Method in Case of Loss of RHR Function during Mid-Loop Operation