Institute of Social Research Articles
- A Proposal for Human Factors Education in a Power Plant Company
- Effects of a power shortage in the Tokyo Metropolitan area on awareness of nuclear power generation and power savings behavior
- Effectiveness of transmitting safety-measures information in risk communication of nuclear power generation. - evaluation by the receiver of the messages -
- Recognition of People with an Opinion that Nuclear Power Generation causes Global Warming
- Trial Encouraging the Children to Like Science: Activities of a Science Education Study Group with the Participation of Science Teachers in Fukui Prefecture
Institute of Nuclear Technology Articles
- Analysis of Adverse Events occurred at Overseas Nuclear Power Plants in 2003
- A Probabilistic Safety Assessment Approach toward Identification of Information on Safety Significant Adverse Events at Overseas Nuclear Power Plants
- New Classification of Operators’ Human E rrors at Overseas Nuclear Power Plants and Preparation of Easy-to-Use Case Sheets.
- Improvement of Condition-Based Maintenance Technology by Utilization of Thermography
- Evaluation of Seismic Characteristic of Cylindrical Water Storage Tank by Vibration Test - Dependence of Dynamic Fluid Pressure Distribution on Input Acceleration -
- Investigation of Detection Method of Cavitation Behavior with Accelerometer and AE sensor Mounted on Outer Surface of Piping
- Influence of Minor Elements (Ti, Nb) on Primary Water Stress Corrosion Cracking of Alloy 600
- Influence of Temperature and Water Chemistry on IGSCC Susceptibility of SUS316 in High-Temperature Water
- Influence of Water Chemistry Conditions and Cr Concentration on Oxide Film of SUS316 under High Temperature Water
- Measurement of Plastic Strain of Polycrystalline Material by Electron Backscatter Diffraction
- Characterization of matrix damage in ion-irradiated reactor vessel steel
- Detection Sensitivity and Sizing Ability of Defects in Cast Stainless Steel with Newly Developed Automatic Ultrasonic Inspection System
- Development of Ultrasonic Testing T echnique with the Large Transducer to Inspect the Containment Vessel plates of Nuclear Power Plant Embedded in Concrete
- Influence of Carbon, Phosphorus and Sulfur on Thermoelectric Power of Fe-Cr-Ni Alloys
- Evaluation of Nuclear Data for Emergency Preparedness System of Nuclear Power Plants -Comparison of Radioactivity Inventories by Newest Nuclear Data and Rather Older Nuclear Data-
- Improvement of Dose Evaluation System for Employees at Severe Accident of Nuclear Power Plant - Development of Gamma-Ray Buildup Factors by Invariant Embedding Method and Application to Deep Penetration Problem by QAD Code and G33 Code -
- Development of Iodine Analysis Codes for Chemical and Mass Transport Behavior under Severe Accident Condition and Their Application to International Standard Problem No.41
- Improvement of Heat Transfer Models for Gap Cooling
- Validation of Heat Transfer Models for Gap Cooling
- Reflux Condensation Heat Transfer of Steam-Air Mixture under Gas-Liquid Countercurrent Flow