Institute of Social Research Articles
- Peopleʼs response to the promotion of the effective use of nuclear power plants ―From the viewpoint of favoring providing information about maintenance activities―
- A study on the effect of context on peopleʼs perception of a small radiation leak at a nuclear power plant
- Social Acceptance for Seismic Safety of Nuclear Installations
- Factors Constituting Trust in Public Utilities ―Comparison between Public Utilities and Private Companies―
- The Development of Teaching Materials for Energy and Environmental Education Integrated into Main Subjects in Schools
Institute of Nuclear Technology Articles
- Fast Computable Residual Stress Analysis for Welded Pipe Joint Based on Iterative Substructure Method
- Investigation of Wall Temperature Fluctuations by Visualization Tests and Numerical Simulation for Steam-Water Two-phase flow in the Pressurizer Spray Piping
- LDV measurements and URANS calculations downstream of a globe valve
- Effects of Local Flow Field on Flow Accelerated Corrosion ―Effect of Flow Velocity on Corrosion Rate―
- Development of Method to Measure Vibrational Stress of Small-Bore Piping with Multiple Contactless Displacement Sensors ―Vibration Test to Apply the Proposed Method to Practical Use―
- Effect of Dissolved Hydrogen Concentration on PWSCC Crack Growth Rate of Alloy 600 at 290℃
- Mechanistic Study on SCC Propagation of Welded Nickel Based Alloy, (V) ―Corrosion Behavior under Deaerated High-Temperature Water―
- SCC growth behavior of stainless steel weld heat-affected zone in hydrogenated high temperature water
- Damage due to Low-cycle Fatigue of Type 316 Stainless Steel ―Fatigue Life under Variable Loading and Influence of Internal Cracks―
- Development ofmicro tensile testing method in an FIB system for evaluating grain boundary strength
- Effects of hydrogen on interaction between dislocation and radiation-induced defects
- FIB sequential sectioning as a tool to understand environmental materials degradation in 3D
- A Study ofNon Destructive Integrity Assessment Method for Structural Materials ofNuclear Reactor -Part 1-
- A Proposal for a Determination Method of Element Division on an Analytical Model for Finite Element Elastic Waves Propagation Analysis
- Research and Analysis of On-line Maintenance Process and Problems at United States Nuclear Power Plants
- Investigation of Practical Use Situation and Performance for Electric Transient Analysis Programs in the U.S. Nuclear Power Plants
- Trend Analysis of Troubles Caused by Thermal-Hydraulic Phenomena at Nuclear Power Plants
- Feasibility Study of Computerized Presentation of Procedures of a Nuclear Plant
- Trend Analysis of the Adverse Event Cause in Nuclear power plants
- Study on Examples of Safety Culture Enhancing Activities at U.S. Nuclear Power Stations
- Main Steam Line Break Accident Analysis for 4-Loop PWR Plant by RELAP5-3D Code
- Plant Incident Progress Scenario Analysis for Nuclear Emergency Exercise of Fukui Pref. 2009
- The Research Project on Technical Information Basis for Aging Management in Fukui and Kinki Area (3rd Report)
- Study on Counter-Current Flow in a PWR Hot Leg under Reflux Condensation
- A concern about the crack propagation rate of PWSCC which obtained from the investigation on primary coolant leakage portion of the reactor vessel head in Ohi 3