Institute of Social Research Articles
- The Relationships between Checking Methods and Error Types on Error Detection for Writings, Numeric Tables, and Drawings
- Development of "Analysis Tool for Organizational and direct causes of Problems (ATOP)"
- A survey on training of human factors in corporation in the various industries and consideration of its result.
- A study on peopleʼs representation of maintenance activities in nuclear power plants
- Study on Mutual Perception between the People Living in the Area around a Nuclear Power Plant and in a Power-Consuming Area
- Development of Card Style Teaching Material for Energy and Environmental Education
Institute of Nuclear Technology Articles
- Residual Stress Distribution in Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe Butt-Welded Joint Measured by Neutron Diffraction Technique
- High-Cycle Fatigue Properties of Small-Bore Socket-Welded Pipe Joint
- Measurement and Numerical Simulation of Wall Temperature fluctuations due to Steam-Water Two-phase flow in a Simulated Pressurizer Spray Piping
- Development of Method to Measure Vibrational Stress of Small-Bore Piping with Multiple Contactless Displacement Sensors ―Examination of Applicability by Vibration Test and Analytical Approach―
- PWSCC Susceptibility of Cast Stainless Steel and Nickel Based Alloy of Dissimilar Metal Butt Welds
- SCC Growth Behavior of Stainless Steel Weld Metals in High-Temperature Water ―Influence of Corrosion Potential, Weld Type, Thermal Aging, Cold-Work and Temperature―
- 3-D atom-probe tomography of surface oxides in stainless steels formed under high-Temperature water
- Basic Study on SCC of Stainless Steels in High-Temperature Water ―Temperature Dependence of Corrosion―
- Effects of Solute Elements on Irradiation Hardening and Microstructural Evolution in Low Alloy Steels
- Crystallographic Orientation Dependence of Nanoindentation Hardness and Nanoindentation-induced Deformation Microstructure in Ion-irradiated Stainless Steel
- Effect of Plastic Strain on Fracture Strength of Cracked Components
- CorrectionMethod for Thermoelectric Power Measurement of Electron-Irradiated Specimens of Low Alloy Steel
- Development of an Ultrasonic Testing Technique to Inspect Corrosion on a Containment Vessel Plates Embedded in Concrete of a Nuclear Power Plant(III) ―Development of a Multi-Channel Prove Synthesis System―
- Trend Analysis of Gas Accumulation Events in Safety-related Piping at Nuclear Power Plants
- Trend Analysis of Nuclear Reactor Automatic Trip Events Subjected to Operatorʼs Human Error at United States Nuclear Power Plants
- Trend Analyses of Transformer Problems in the U.S. Nuclear Power Plants
- Analysis toward Variety of Activities to Improve Safety Culture in US nuclear stations
- Programming of high speed calculation method for gamma-ray sky-shine
- Main Steam Line Break Accident Analysis by RELAP5-3D Code and Evaluation
- Numerical simulation of probability of air migration from a pressurizer during reflux cooling
- Comparison of Gamma-ray Skyshine Dose Evaluation Performance among Monte Carlo Codes; EGS, MVP, MCNP